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Favorable reviews from known, respected sources builds credibility within the industry and with readers.

Getting reviewed is a marketing strategy deployed by every major publisher in America, because it is a tried and true foundation for introducing new books to readers and building audiences for authors.

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Our reviews lead to more exposure for authors.

I woke up to see my book ranked in the top 10 on Barnes & Noble’s bestseller list.

Kirkus got my book noticed. 

In my case, once I acquired that sophisticated Kirkus review for my book, The Dominican Experiment, the floodgates suddenly opened. The Kirkus review led to an endorsement from an editor of Rethinking Schools (the publication that was identified as the magazine most compatible with my target audience), which led to another glowing review from a professor in the field of social justice. Those reviews served as the driving force behind my book release campaign, and one early morning, I woke up to see my book ranked in the top 10 on Barnes & Noble’s bestseller list.

The bottom line is that Kirkus Reviews provided credibility that got the ball rolling. A positive review opened doors to local newspaper coverage, book groups, writing conferences, and library audiences. Sure, I know Kirkus Reviews charges money, but that review is gold. By forming a partnership with Kirkus Reviews, indie authors gain credibility, and the review is just the beginning of the many ways this investment can pay off.

Michael D’Amato, 

Author of The Dominican Experiment

Marylee MacDonald, 

Author of Bonds of Love & Blood

How It Works

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Your book will be assigned to a professional book reviewer who will write a thoughtful and thorough review. Our team of reviewers includes librarians, business executives, journalists from national publications, PhDs in literature, and creative executives in the entertainment and publishing industries.

We'll send you the final review of your book, which you can choose to publish on, where it can be discovered by industry influencers, publishers, and consumers. If it is a negative review, you can request that it never see the light of day.

Why Kirkus?

Choose to publish your review on our website, which receives 2 million impressions per month, and your review could be distributed to our email subscriber list of 65,000 readers as Kirkus Reviews magazine, which has a circulation of 15,000 industry influencers.



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